
Underarm Laser Hair Removal Treatment


  • Save yourself from the recurring cost and wastage of time while removing underarm hair. From a simple waxing routine at a salon to availing a laser hair removal service at a state-of-the-art clinic, you have several options for underarm hair removal. However, there is a reason why lasers are the most preferred solution for both men and women. Read on to know more.

Having underarm hair is considered unhygienic for several reasons. Underarm hair can lead to sweat being stagnant which  can lead to a bad body odour. Though you cannot control the causes behind why they grow, you have a great option to get rid of them. There are conventional methods, such as shaving or waxing, however these methods do not provide a solution that lasts long. The obvious problem with these temporary fixes is that armpit hair will grow back eventually. Even men face this problem and are only left with temporary solutions that require a lot of effort and time.

Clients assume laser underarm hair removal is expensive. But considering the recurring cost involved in conventional method, you will always find it useful. In addition to this it provides a permanent solution  to unwanted underarm hair growth. Watch this video to know why a laser hair removal procedure can be best option for you.

How Are Lasers Used For Underarm Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is the most popular option for maintaining hair-free armpits and getting cleaner and smoother underarms for both men and women.

The procedure involves using laser beams of a specific wavelength to focus on the hair shafts in the targeted area. Each light pulse reaches the hair root and destroys the stem cells underneath. Underarm hair has a growing phase of 4 to 5 months. The laser targets the hair strands which are in their active growth phase. Therefore, multiple sessions will be required to ensure hair removal in every phase.

🔗 – Oliva’s Laser Hair Removal Treatment

The armpits, being comparatively smaller than other body areas, makes laser hair removal one of the fastest procedures available. The treatment is painless regardless of your underarm hair density. Watch the procedure at our clinic:

Benefits of Underarm Laser Hair Removal

  • Avoiding shaving or waxing
  • Permanent reduction in hair growth for both men and women
  • Lesser downtime compared to conventional methods
  • No major side effects or risks involved
  • Non-invasive treatment
  • No risk of scarring or infection
  • Quick and effective treatment procedure
  • No more ingrown hairs
  • Is more cost-effective and cheaper than temporary hair removal fixes in the long-term


What Are The Expected Results After Underarm Laser Hair Removal?

The hair becomes thinner and less coarse with each successive session. A reduction of 70-80% hair is observed on completing the treatment sessions. The expected results usually vary from person to person and some individuals may see a significant reduction in hair growth from the first treatment session itself.


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Are There Side Effects, Pain Or Risks Involved During The Procedure?

Underarm laser hair removal is a virtually pain-less procedure. One may feel tingling or snapping sensations from the laser at most. To minimize any discomfort, anaesthetic creams may be applied. One might experience transient redness but that subsides quickly.  When compared to a painful waxing session, laser hair removal is a breeze with permanent results.

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How to get started? 🔗Book Appointment or 82978 82978 to enjoy the best results!


Common Questions

If you are planning to opt for an underarm laser hair removal treatment, it is best to consult your dermatologist and understand the entire treatment procedure thoroughly. It is highly recommended to follow pre and post-care instructions detailed by the dermatologist to get the best results.

  • Who performs the procedure?
    The laser treatment is performed by highly-skilled and qualified laser technicians using US FDA approved laser equipment. Only cutting edge laser technology is used to ensure that all hair is removed effectively in a short duration and with no discomfort.
  • Who is an ideal candidate?
    Anyone who wishes to get rid of unwanted underarm hair is a great candidate for laser hair removal. However, individuals under the age of 18, or pregnant and lactating women cannot be treated.
  • How long is the average session?
    An average session of laser hair removal can vary between 30 minutes to an hour based on the individual case. Thick or coarse underarm hair usually requires more sessions while fine hair requires fewer sessions and shorter session times.
  • Is a laser underarm hair removal procedure safe? How effective are the results?
    Laser underarm hair removal is the safest procedure to get long-lasting results. The use of USFDA approved equipment with gold-standards in laser technology makes the treatment highly effective, 100% safe and result oriented. It is also considered suitable for Indian skin tones with darker hair and light skin colour. Even people with a sensitive skin type can go for underarm laser hair removal without experiencing any discomfort.


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