Can Vitamin Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

vitamin deficinecy and hair loss

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    We often wonder why we are losing hair despite our best efforts. Even after using a good shampoo, eating healthy, styling the hair well; we may not end up with thick and lustrous hair. This simply relates to the fact that; vitamin deficiency causes immense hair loss and they are extremely important for hair growth and nourishment.

    How Vitamin Deficiency Can Cause Hair Loss?

    What we eat and drink most certainly affects the health of hair. Overall nutrition plays an important role in hair growth and maintenance. Lack of certain vitamins will cause a negative side effect such as hair loss, poor growth and hair breakage.

    Hair is made up of dead cells and protein called keratin. What we consume on a daily basis has a profound effect on the growth of our hair. If our body lacks certain vitamins and minerals, it will not be able to maintain proper hair health and hair loss is most certainly going to occur.

    If the body lacks in 3 major vitamins namely; Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Biotin; it will lead to insufficient supply of nutrients to the hair follicles resulting in hair loss. If the body lacks in these vitamins especially for a long period of time, the natural hair cycle gets disturbed eventually causing telogen effluvium. This leads to temporary hair loss and can be treated by eating the right vitamins and minerals.

    What Are The Best Vitamins For Hair Loss? 

    Deficiency of certain vitamins causes hair loss. And all vitamins aid specific function for hair growth and maintenance.

    1. Vitamin A – Vitamin A is required to produce necessary amount of sebum or scalp oil. Without sufficient supply of sebum, the scalp will become dry and lead to dandruff. Lack of sebum will cause dry, brittle hair susceptible to breakage. All these drawbacks will cause hair loss.
    2. Vitamin B – All varieties of B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12) play a vital role in hair care. Vitamin B is necessary for the production of healthy hemoglobin level, which is needed to carry oxygen to the scalp and thereby in preventing hair loss.
    3. Folic Acid – Folic acid helps with the growth and thickness of hair strands. A person lacking in this important vitamin will experience hair thinning and hair loss. Daily intake of folic acid will help those, who are genetically inclined to baldness.
    4. Vitamin C – This vitamin is crucial in the healthy development of collagen. Collagen is important to guarantee strong and flexible hair strands. Loss of collagen causes hair breakage easily.
    5. Vitamin D – Lack of Vitamin D is associated with thinning of hair. Vitamin D is also required for re-growth and lengthening of hair. It is important to maintain proper levels of Vitamin D in order to prevent hair loss, as low levels of Vitamin D can also cause psoriasis and dry scalp.
    6. Vitamin E – A highly necessary nutrient, Vitamin E is needed to ensure proper blood circulation and increase the absorption of oxygen.
    7. Iron – Without sufficient supply of Iron, the hair will become weak and fall off easily. Women are more susceptible to hair fall due to lack of iron, as they suffer from monthly blood loss. Iron supplements can be taken on a daily basis, if your hemoglobin levels are low.
    8. Zinc – Again an excellent producer of sebum; Zinc helps to lubricate the hair shaft and hair strands, while strengthening the follicles to prevent hair loss. Adequate intake of Zinc will help to maintain longer and stronger hair.
    9. Omega 3 – Omega 3 is a type of essential fatty acid, considered a miracle nutrient, vital for healthy hair. The three main sub-nutrients found in Omega3 are EPA (ecoisapentaionic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha linoleic acid).
    10. Biotin – Hailed as the “food for Hair” nutrient, Biotin also known as Vitamin B7. Biotin helps to convert nutrients from different foods into energy. Without proper intake of Biotin, the body will not be able to maintain healthy hair.

    Alopecia Associated With Vitamin D Deficiency

    Studies show a strong link between Hair loss and Vitamin D deficiency. If the body shows lower levels of Vitamin D, then this will eventually lead to hair loss. Hair follicles must be supplied with a healthy dosage of Vitamin D in order to prevent hair loss.

    Can Vitamin Supplements Help To Re-grow Hair?

    Certain Vitamin supplements have shown positive results in re-awakening of dormant hair follicles. Ask your local dermatologist for hair supplement if you have experienced heavy hair loss and wish to re-grow new and healthy hair.

    Why Vitamin Deficiency Check Is So Important Before Going For PRP Treatment?

    PRP stands for Plasma Rich Platelets. It is a cosmetic treatment that encourages dormant hair follicles to re-grow thereby curing baldness and bald patches. The process entails the use of patient’s own blood taken from his/her arm. The extracted vile of blood is then inserted in a machine, that enriches the plasma content. This “new” blood is then injected back into the patient’s scalp, using tiny needles to ensure that bald patches are covered thoroughly.
    Since the procedure requires the use of an individual’s own blood, it is highly important that the patient has healthy blood without any vitamin deficiency. A simple blood test to see what nutrient deficiency the patient lacks in must be conducted before PRP treatment. The patient must eat a healthy diet along with necessary vitamins that he/she lacks in, for at least 2-3 days prior to the treatment as well as on the day of treatment too.

    Must Read: What Is PRP Hair Treatment – Know Its Cost, Side Effects & Results

    Your Diet And Hair Loss Questions Answered

    • Does Vitamin D Create New Follicles?
      Recent scientific research has shown that Vitamin D can help stem cells to grow and enhance. This allows them to grow healthy hair. Although it does not signify creation of hair follicles, but it can reactivate existing hair follicles into action, and help in the production of healthy hair.
    • Is Your Diet Causing Hair Loss?
      Maintaining a healthy diet is necessary for healthy hair. What we eat is directly absorbed by the blood and circulated throughout the body. If hair follicles receive unhealthy blood, that lacks in certain vitamins, then this can lead to hair loss in an individual. Improper diet leads to hair breakage and hair thinning, and weak thinner hair is more prone to breakage and shedding.

    Hair loss can be disheartening as it lowers self-esteem, causes depression and creates unwanted jealousy. Why suffer from something which you can prevent. Include the necessary vitamins and minerals in your diet to reap the benefits of healthy and lustrous hair.

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    About The Author

    Kushneet Kukreja

    Kushneet Kukreja

    A postgraduate in Biotechnology from Kingston University and an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness & Nutrition, Kushneet Kukreja is a passionate writer who works in close association with the dermatologists at our head office to generate valuable and scientifically accurate content for our blog.

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