Top 10 Acne Myths

Top 10 Acne Myths You Need To Bust Now!

Have you come across conflicting facts about acne on the web and are confused? Do you know that the causes and treatments for acne may vary for every individual? Well, if you are clueless, fret not! It’s time to decode the facts and go myth-busting to end all the misinformation...

How To Remove Accident/Injury Scars On Face?

How To Remove Injury Marks On Face?

Accidental scars on face are the direct aftermath of major burns and injuries. If you are suffering from one, know more about the advanced dermatological treatments available to make an informed decision and reduce it visibly. Why Do Accident Scars Form? Skin that suffers from an injury in the form...

microdermabrasion treatment

Microdermabrasion: Benefits, Treatment and Tips

Microdermabrasion treatment is a cosmetic procedure that entails the use of an instrument that gently sands your skin. It is mildly abrasive which helps to remove the dead skin cells from the upper layer of skin to reveal younger, firmer and brighter skin from under. Is Microdermabrasion Good For Indian...

skin patch test

How To Exfoliate Skin Safely – Best Methods And Tips

Consider regular skin exfoliation to make your skin nourished and radiant. This will not just prevent premature signs of ageing but also help in preventing skin deformities in many cases. What Is Skin Exfoliation? It is an extensive process of removing the dead cells from the upper layer of the...

skin rejuvenation

Best Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Procedures And Cost

Everyone likes to have a flawless and youthful skin, which can easily be achieved through skin rejuvenation. It includes all kinds of treatments that improve the overall texture and quality of our skin. In any leading skin rejuvenation treatment, various scars and irregularities are healed through stimulating collagen production in...

sun damaged skin pictures

What Causes Damaged Skin And How To Repair It?

Beauty is often measured by one’s complexion and the radiance of our skin. It is disheartening to see our skin get damaged due to our environment. Your skin can be damaged in several ways and prevent such hazards can be an arduous task. There are some very clear signs that...

get rid of hormonal acne

How To Get Rid Of Hormonal Acne Fast?

Hormonal acne, as the name suggests, is caused due to the fluctuation of hormones in the body. The influence of androgens on the oil glands leads to acne breakouts. This skin condition can occur even after puberty but is more commonly associated with women over 25. What Is Hormonal Acne?...

how to remove dead skin from the face

Saggy Skin – Types, Causes, Treatments, Cost & Tips

With age, the skin not only develops fine lines and wrinkles, but also starts to become loose and saggy.  Let us look at how and why exactly this sagging occurs and the various treatment options that are available for getting rid of it. What Is Saggy Skin? Skin that has...

female face having acne

Best Topical And Oral Antibiotics For Acne In India

Antibiotics are medicines used for fighting bacterial infections. Doctors often prescribe antibiotics for treating acne as they are a safe, effective and non-invasive method of decreasing the multiplication of the bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) present on the affected area, and in reducing inflammation. Learn about the benefits and side-effects of using...