
Dark Circles Under The Eyes: Causes, Treatments & Prevention


  • ● According to a study published in the NCBI, dark circles affect women more than men. Dark circles are prominent in 47.50% of individuals between the ages of 16-25.
  • ● One of the most common causes of dark circles is genetics.
  • ● Untreated dark circles can be permanent.
  • ● A thorough medical diagnosis followed by therapy can treat dark circles.

How to remove dark circles is a popular query among most men and women of different ages. If you too have dark circles under your eyes you are on the right page. Keep reading to know popular home remedies, effective preventive tips and the best treatments for dark circles.

What Are Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes mean the skin in your eye-area looks darker than the surrounding skin. The under-eye area may appear bluish, purple, black or brownish, depending on the cause and the colour of your skin. These black circles around the eyes are usually a cosmetic concern and do not signify serious medical issues in most cases. People with dark skin, of older age, or those having a family history are more prone to dark circles.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

Dark circles most commonly appear due to blood vessels becoming visible due to thinning skin under the eyes because of ageing or other lifestyle factors. It can also occur due to melanin deposits, changes in skin texture, or volume loss, leading to tear trough formation.

Here is a list of the multiple reasons for dark circles:

  • Genetics: If your family members have dark circles under the eyes, there is a high chance you, too, may have them.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle: The most common cause of dark circles is inadequate sleep. Stress, excess smoking or alcohol intake can also cause dark circles.
  • Sun Exposure: Pigmentation under the eyes due to excessive sun exposure can result in black circles.
  • Ageing: The appearance of fine lines, reduced fatty tissues, volume loss around the eyes, or thinning of skin are normal age-related issues that lead to dark circles under the eyes.
  • Allergies: Adverse reactions, or dry eyes can lead to repeated rubbing of eyes, causing local skin texture change and pigmentation.
  • Dehydration: Inadequate water intake may cause under-eye dryness and dullness.
  • Anaemia: Low blood haemoglobin levels are also a common cause of dark circles.
  • Side Effects Of Medications: Certain eye drops for glaucoma, like bimatoprost and latanoprost, can also cause black circles around the eyes.

Learn about the causes and treatments to remove dark circles by watching this video:

How To Prevent Dark Circles From Appearing Under Your Eyes?

You cannot rule out the risk of dark circles due to ageing or genetics. However, you can take a few simple but effective steps to prevent them:

  • Get enough sleep at night for at least 6-8 hours.
  • Practice meditation to manage stress in daily life.
  • Quit or avoid drinking and smoking.
  • Hydrate adequately by drinking at least 2 litres of water daily.
  • Use sun protection like sunscreen and sunglasses.

Can I Use Home Remedies for Dark Circles?

Here is a list of popular home remedies that may help if you are looking for how to get rid of dark circles. These self-care dark circle treatments remain unproven and the results unpredictable.

  • Adequate Sleep: Get 6-8 hours of good quality sleep every night to keep dark circles away. Poor sleep routine is the most common cause of dark circles.
  • Elevate Your Head While Sleeping: Putting your head on the same level or lower than the rest of your body can cause fluid accumulation in the loose tissues around the eyes and cause puffiness. Use a couple of pillows to elevate your head while sleeping to avoid this.
  • Cold Compress And Massage Around The Eyes: Applying a cloth soaked in chilled water can constrict the blood vessels around the eyes. Massage can help improve the blood circulation around the eyes.
  • Cucumber Slices: These contain a lot of water and antioxidants like Vitamin C, so putting them on tired and puffy eyes for 10-20 minutes while keeping eyelids closed can rejuvenate the eye area.
  • Cold Tea Bags: Tea bags, especially those with antioxidants like green tea, and those with caffeine, can help shrink the blood vessels around the eyes. Putting used cold tea bags on closed eyes for 10-20 minutes can also improve blood circulation.
  • Antioxidant Under Eye Creams: Creams containing Vitamin C and E can rejuvenate the under-eye skin and prevent tan and fine lines.
  • Makeup Products: You can choose to use concealers to cover dark circles on a daily basis.


The home remedies suggested above are for informational purposes and are not intended to provide treatment for dark circles. Do note that home remedies involve risks, and individual responses may vary. A word of caution: Some people can have allergic reactions or irritation to specific ingredients. So, please use the above information based on your discretion.

Consult a dermatologist for a safe and scientific dark circle treatment. They can provide personalised advice, evaluate the severity of dark circles, and recommend appropriate treatment options. They can also help identify any underlying health issues causing dark circles and address them accordingly.

Dark Circle Removal Treatment Options:

Here are some medical dark circle under-eyes treatments you may consider:

  • Topical Creams With Lightening Agents:

Dermatologists prescribe creams with hydroquinone, kojic acid, azelaic acid and Vitamin C for dark circles due to melanin buildup. These ingredients act by inhibiting melanin production and thereby lightening the pigmentation around the eyes. Doctors advise using it one to two times daily. They prescribe special under-eye formulations that do not irritate the thin and sensitive skin. Make sure you follow regular skincare and don’t have excessive dryness or irritation before starting these under-eye creams. You should use these creams for at least 2-3 months to see a significant difference. Make sure to use sunscreen during the day.

  • Chemical Peels:

This procedure involves using natural acids like glycolic acid and lactic acid to exfoliate the upper damaged layers of skin and rejuvenate skin. These sessions take place under the supervision of a dermatologist once in a few weeks. Medical experts carefully choose under-eye peels as the skin in this area is thin and sensitive and can have adverse reactions easily. One must follow pre- and post-procedure instructions to avoid any potential side effects like hyperpigmentation. The procedure is safe and effective when performed by a qualified dermatologist but requires multiple sessions to deliver visible results. Your doctor may suggest maintenance sessions.

Watch this video to learn more about the chemical peel treatment procedure:

  • Laser Therapy:

Laser procedure involves the use of specific wavelengths of light in the under-eye area. A dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon will perform this after a careful evaluation of the cause and type of dark circles and the type of skin you have. The melanin pigment and the haemoglobin in the blood vessels absorb these light beams that go below the skin. They produce energy, which breaks down excess pigment and contracts blood vessels to reduce dark circles. The procedure is effective, though done in select centres. Multiple sessions yield effective results, depending on the cause of the dark circle and the type of skin. Consult a dermatologist to know whether you are a suitable candidate for laser therapy and what benefits and risks it has.

Watch this video where Oliva’s dermatologist explains the process of laser toning treatment:

  • Fillers:

Dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid help reduce dark circles caused by volume loss and tear trough formation. These are injectable treatments. Hyaluronic acid is injected in strategic places on the cheeks and under the eyes to give strong support to the eyes so that the area appears lifted and toned and the tear trough appears filled. Lighter fillers can improve skin texture or hydration if the local skin is damaged or dehydrated. Trained dermatologists should perform these treatments, as it is a delicate procedure with possible risks. Discuss with your dermatologist if fillers are an appropriate option for you, what benefits you can expect and what risks there are. The procedure can provide excellent improvement in selected cases. Results last more than a year and look completely natural.

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections:

These are another injectable treatment option. It involves extracting platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s blood and injecting it into the targeted area. This plasma is rich in growth factors and can rejuvenate the skin well. Doctors recommend multiple sessions for sustained results.

  • Surgical Treatments:

For excess fat or skin around the eyes, especially due to ageing, surgical removal options like blepharoplasty are good options. These cases do not respond to home remedies or medicines. Your surgeon can excise the excess skin or fat, and stitch the remaining skin together to make the area toned and tightened. The results are long-lasting, though surgery may have a downtime.

Now that you know all about how to remove dark circles, go ahead and make an informed decision. Consulting a qualified dermatologist to learn about the cause and suitable treatment for your dark circles should be your first step to gaining visible results safely!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Medical Treatment Options Are Available To Treat Dark Circles Under The Eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes have many treatment options depending on their causes. For pigmentation, topical creams with lightening agents like kojic acid are the first choice, and chemical peels and lasers are some in-clinic procedures. For volume loss, dermal fillers are a popular choice. Surgeries can remove excess fat or skin under the eyes.

Can Laser Treatment Remove Dark Circles Under The Eyes?

Yes, laser treatment can help reduce dark circles under eyes. Non-invasive lasers like pulsed-dye and diode lasers can lighten the skin, while laser resurfacing can tighten the skin.

What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Dark Circles?

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause pigmentation of the skin, causing dark circles under the eyes. Iron deficiency and anaemia can also worsen dark circles due to reduced blood flow.

How To Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Permanently?

Dark circles are difficult to remove permanently as they occur due to some underlying cause. Prolonged use of creams or maintenance sessions of chemical peels and lasers or fillers can help sustain the results. Surgical treatment may remove excess skin permanently.

Which Under-Eye Cream For Dark Circles Do Dermatologists In India Recommend?

Dermatologists recommend under-eye creams containing lightening agents like azelaic acid, kojic acid, and Vitamin C for pigmented dark circles. Vitamins E and K in creams can also reduce dark circles. Retinoids, a form of Vitamin A, are a key ingredient in under-eye creams and can reduce ageing changes in the eye area.

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