lupus hair loss

Lupus And Hair Loss – Treatment And Prevention

If you have lupus, a chronic autoimmune condition that causes antibodies to attack healthy tissue and you are experiencing hair loss, gradual thinning or excessive hair breakage; then there are chances that both the concerns are related. Find out more about lupus-related hair loss in this article. Does Lupus Cause...


How To Reduce Excess Sebum Production On The Scalp?

While we often worry about oily hair and skin, did you know that to have healthy skin and hair, we require a certain amount of natural oil? Without a sufficient amount of oil, your scalp would be subject to dry and flaky skin. Learn about the role of sebum in...

scarring alopecia

Cicatricial Alopecia: Causes, Types, Symptoms & Treatments

Hair loss is a common condition affecting both men and women. If hair loss begins to lead to balding, then it indicates the presence of a severe hair disorder. Scarring Alopecia is a rare set of conditions faced by individuals that can lead to permanent balding experienced by 3% of...

dandruff hair loss

Dandruff And Hair Loss – Causes, Treatments & Prevention

Dandruff is a concern that affects 30-95% of the world’s population. Otherwise known as Pityriasis capitis, this rather common scalp disorder affects those in the age range of 15 to 50 years. The flakes and itchiness are a cosmetic concern, primarily because the former is visible on dark hair. Many...

prp hair treatment in kolkata

PRP Hair Fall Treatment In Kolkata

Are you experiencing sudden or excessive hair loss? Have you started to notice hair thinning on your head? If you are looking for hair loss consultation in Kolkata, then look no further. Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic offers revolutionary treatments to solve all your hair woes, especially with their stand-alone...

symptoms of hair loss

What Are The Early Signs Of Hair Loss And Balding?

It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair a day without noticing it. Generally, it is not a cause of worry. However, it can sometimes indicate an underlying medical condition. Hair loss can be sudden or gradual in progression. Sudden hair loss results from an acute...

itchy scalp

Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss: Causes, Treatments and Prevention

Scalp pruritus is a medical term for itchy scalp that occurs due to scalp irritation. The common presenting symptoms include dry and itchy skin, bald patches, scales, flakes, redness, pus-filled sores, and mild swelling. Having an itchy scalp leads to hair loss often because of the underlying condition. Itchy Scalp...


Minoxidil Topical Solution For Hair Loss: Uses, Side Effects

Hair loss and hair thinning affect both men and women, irrespective of their age. Nowadays, there are some drugs available in the market which can effectively treat their underlying causes. Minoxidil is one of the most effective medications that help in restoring the growth of your hair. Find out what...

male pattern baldness

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

Male-pattern baldness is a primarily hereditary form of hair loss. According to research, 58% of men in the age group of 30-50 years have experienced male pattern baldness. What Is Male Pattern Baldness? Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a progressive hair-thinning condition which ultimately results in...

female pattern baldness

Female Pattern Baldness Causes And Treatment Options

Female pattern hair loss or baldness is one of the most common types of hair loss in women. Most women try to overcome this problem by covering up their bald patches or thinning spots by trying different hairstyles. Depending upon the causes and the severity of the condition, the hair...