What Is Skin Picking Disorder Excoriation

How To Get Rid Of Chest Acne?

Did you know that up to 50% of people having facial breakouts are prone to having chest acne? Moderate to severe acne increases your risk of having chest acne. Let us find out the causes, symptoms, treatments and preventive measures of chest acne right here! What Is Chest Acne? Chest...


What is Acne Rosacea – Causes, Symptoms & Treatments?

Do you often suffer from redness, bumps and pus-filled pimples resembling acne on your face? Are you aware that this skin condition may even affect your vision if left untreated? Well, if you can relate to the above situations, it is time to find out more about acne rosacea. What...

Dry Skin And Acne

How To Treat Dry Skin With Acne?

Acne is the most common skin problem faced by almost 85% of people in their lifetime. Though it is more prominent in teenagers and in people with oily skin, but dry skin acne is also an equally pressing concern. Pimples on dry skin is more prominent in adults; though even...

why you shouldn’t pop a pimple

Should You Pop A Pimple?

The uncontrollable desire to pop a pimple lies within all of us. Nobody wants to walk around with a huge zit sitting in the middle of their face. But, before you squeeze the life out of that hideous pimple, stop and use your better judgement. We have been told a...

Benzoyl Peroxide for acne

How To Treat Acne With Benzoyl Peroxide?

Benzoyl peroxide is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance, known to treat mild to moderate acne when it is applied topically over the skin. It decomposes to release oxygen which kills acne producing bacteria. However, in case of treatment of severe acne, it can be used with chemical peels, oral antibiotics...


How Do You Treat PCOS Acne?

Acne is a fairly common occurrence as we go through puberty. The hormonal changes that occur in the body during this stage of life are considered the prime culprits of causing the acne. But, what if similar hormonal changes continue beyond puberty and make your acne persistent and worse? Polycystic...

comedonal acne

Comedonal Acne: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Tips

The aspiration for smooth and impeccable skin is universal, but more often than not, the road to such flawless skin is full of bumps. Yes, quite literally! Acne is not just about pimples in the form of pustules and cysts. Comedonal acne, in spite of comparatively being a milder form...

stress acne

How Stress And Acne Are Related?

Two things that we would love to avoid are stress and acne! Dealing with them on a one to one basis is a task in itself; but our condition worsens when you have to deal with them together. Stress has always been touted as one of the major causes of...


What Is A Carbuncle And How To Treat It?

If you have ever suffered from a cluster of boils that appear altogether, then you know how painful and horrifying the experience must have been. Carbuncles are not only unattractive but can also pose several health problems if left untreated. What Is The Meaning Of Carbuncle? Carbuncle is a swollen,...