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GFC Hair Treatment Cost In India: Cost Starts At INR 5,500

GFC Hair Treatment

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    Are you experiencing excessive hair loss? Do you see areas on your scalp with excessive hair thinning? Read on to learn about the GFC hair treatment, how it works, and its many benefits. Discover why it may be a suitable option to help restore your hair health.

    What is GFC Hair Treatment?

    Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) hair treatment is a non-surgical procedure that uses platelets from your blood to stimulate hair growth. It is safe and is used to enhance the density and thickness of hair, primarily in areas affected by thinning.

    The GFC treatment for hair is often recommended for people experiencing hair loss, such as androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness), alopecia areata, or other similar conditions.

    How Does GFC Hair Treatment Work?

    GFC treatment for hair involves the use of different types of growth factors available in blood platelets to stimulate hair growth in the scalp region. Dermatologists inject these platelets into the affected areas of the scalp to boost thickness and hair growth. Individuals tend to see results over a few sessions, mostly in 3 to 4 sittings spread across 4 to 6 months. Multiple sessions are required to achieve optimal results.

    How Much Does GFC Hair Treatment Cost In India?

    In India, the cost of GFC hair treatment starts at INR 5000 and can go up to INR 11000 per session. This price can vary depending on various factors, such as the area to be treated, the number of sessions required, the severity of hair loss, and the clinic’s location.

    Below is the detailed price list of GFC hair treatment based on the number of sessions:

    Number Of Sessions Minimum Cost  Maximum Cost
    GFC Treatment One Session INR 9,500 INR 12,000
    GFC Treatment 3 Sessions INR 24,000 INR 30,000
    GFC Treatment 5 Sessions INR 35,000 INR 39,000
    GFC Treatment 10 Sessions INR 50,000 INR 65,000

    Factors Affecting The Cost Of GFC Hair Treatment

    When you understand the factors affecting the cost of GFC hair treatment, you can make an informed choice:

    1. Severity Of Hair Loss: The extent of hair loss affects the intensity and duration of treatment required. This influences the overall cost of GFC hair treatment.
    2. Number Of Sessions: The cost is decided on the basis of the total number of sessions needed for the treatment. With every booster session added, the cost also goes up.
    3. Technology And Equipment Used: Advanced technology and specialised equipment will always cost more, adding to the cost of the treatment.
    4. Quality Of GFC Products: The quality and efficacy of the products used in GFC hair treatment affect pricing. Clinics using the best quality GFC products naturally offer seamless solutions. Hence, the pricing may be higher.
    5. Customisation Of Treatment Plan: The more tailored a treatment is to the client’s needs and goals; the more the required expertise. Customisation also requires additional resources, thus, increasing the overall cost.
    6. Expertise Of The Dermato-trichologist: The skill and experience of the dermato-trichologist conducting the procedure can impact pricing. Highly qualified professionals often charge higher fees as they guarantee safety and results.
    7. Promotional Offers And Discounts: Clients can avail significant discounts on pricing during a clinic’s ongoing promotions. Package deals, trial sessions and deals are opportunities for lucrative savings.
    8. Clinic Reputation: Established clinics with a strong reputation for quality and results may charge higher fees for GFC hair treatment. Perceived value and demand influence costs.
    9. Geographic Location: Treatment costs can vary from region to region. Urban areas usually bring higher overhead expenses, leading to higher treatment prices.

    Growth Factors Associated With GFC Treatment:

    Our blood platelets store different growth factors with restorative and regenerative properties. These factors aid tissue repair and proliferation, playing a significant role in managing hair loss.

    1. Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF): It stimulates the natural process of blood vessel formation within tissues, which boosts hair growth.
    2. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF): This GF plays a significant role in hair’s anagen (growth) phase by aiding the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles.
    3. Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF): It helps regenerate and multiply hair cells, promoting blood vessel formation.
    4. Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1): This GF is vital to maintain the growth of hair follicles and acts as a potent stimulator of angiogenesis.

    The growth factors are extracted in high concentrations from platelets for use during the GFC treatment for hair loss.

    GFC Hair Treatment Procedure:

    It starts with an initial consultation with your dermato-trichologist to identify the root cause of your hair loss. It involves going through your medical and genetic history, lifestyle, food habits, health status and a trichoscan to assess your hair density and scalp condition.

    This pre-treatment diagnosis allows the dermato-trichologist to customise the treatment for the best results.


    • Get all suggested blood tests done, if any.
    • Strictly refrain from consuming blood thinners, aspirin and any narcotic drugs at least 48-72 hours before the treatment.
    • Expect the application of an anaesthetic cream about half an hour before the procedure.

    During Treatment:

    • The medical team uses specialised GFC tubes to collect around 10ml of the individual’s blood.
    • Using the centrifuge process, they activate platelets to release the Growth Factors (GFs).
    • Then they separate the GFs from the platelets and collect 4-5ml of it using a syringe.
    • The dermato-trichologist then injects the GFs into the scalp.
    • The client may experience a mild tingling sensation when the cells are activated.

    Post Treatment:

    • If there is swelling, it helps to apply a cold compress
    • It is best to avoid caffeine, anti-inflammatory medications, smoking and alcohol for three days post-treatment.
    • Use a pH-balanced shampoo for three days after the treatment.
    • Avoid using any hair products for 6 hours after the treatment.
    • Drinking ample water in the first week after the treatment helps.

    As the sessions continue, there will be a noticeable reduction in hair fall. The hair on the scalp will start to appear fuller and thicker. However, it is vital to complete the prescribed sessions to experience the best results.

    What Are The Benefits Of GFC Hair Treatment?

    Here are some of the most prominent benefits of undergoing growth factor therapy for hair:

    • Guaranteed Safety:

      It is a safe and highly effective treatment. The result of the growth factor concentrate for hair treatment revives the hair follicles with improved hair strength.

    • Enhanced Hair Health:

      It aids the natural regeneration of hair, leading to lesser hair fall and stronger hair growth.

    • Non-Invasive Treatment:

      As GFC therapy is non-surgical and does not involve RBCs and WBCs, there are minimal chances of post-procedure inflammation or discomfort.

    • Minimal Downtime:

      Requires just 3-4 sessions before showing significant results.

    GFC Vs PRP – Which Is Better?

    Here is a comparison of GFC vs PRP displaying how GFC hair treatment is different from the Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) hair treatment:

    Factors GFC PRP
    Purpose It stimulates hair growth and strengthens hair follicles. This also stimulates hair growth and improves hair density.
    Procedure Involves injecting growth factor-rich solution directly into the scalp. They first extract client’s blood, separate the platelets, and then inject the platelet-rich plasma into the affected areas of the scalp.
    No. of Sessions It usually requires at least 3-4 sessions with a month’s gap. Usually requires three sessions with a gap of 5-6 weeks.
    Results Improved hair density and thickness over time. Reduced hair loss, enhanced hair growth and texture.
    Treatment Duration Each session takes 30 to 45 minutes Each session may take 30 minutes to 1 hour.

    GFC Hair Treatment Success Rate:

    Studies indicate an 83% success rate among participants after completing the GFC hair treatment. Most patients start seeing positive changes from the first session onwards. Experts believe clients experience different results based on their medical history, health and condition diagnosis. It is also important to remember that the results will vary for every individual.

    The GFC hair treatment offers highly encouraging results and you can consider it if you are experiencing excessive hair fall. It provides safe, non-invasive, and natural hair regeneration with fast results.

    Thinking about GFC Hair Treatment? This article gives you a quick idea of what it is. But to really understand how it can help with your hair loss problems,

    Want personalized advice and a consultation with one of our experienced dermatologists to see if GFC Hair Treatment is right for you? Call us at  📞82978 82978 or book an appointment online.

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    About The Author

    Dr. Debatri Datta

    Dr. Debatri Datta

    Dr. Debatri Datta has completed her MBBS from West Bengal University of Health Sciences in 2015 and MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy from West Bengal University of Health Science in 2019.

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