Is Running Good To Lose Weight And Burn Fat?

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Is Running Good To Lose Weight and Burn Fat

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    Running has been a sport since the Stone Age, but lately, it has become a popular physical activity to achieve fitness goals. Are you wondering if it is an ideal way to burn fat and lose weight too? Read on to find out the truth!

    Health watchers register unprecedented changes in how their bodies look after resorting to good running workouts to lose weight. Apart from shedding the extra pounds from the midriff and toning the leg muscles — running delivers many health benefits and increases stamina. But here’s what you should know about running before signing up for this form of exercise.

    The Science Behind Running

    Running affects different muscles and joints of our body. Our quadriceps or thigh muscles stretch forward and secure our knees’ stability, while the calf muscles help lift our legs from the base. When we’re running, we push our body forward. As a result, our feet are off the ground, suspending us in the air momentarily — which distinguishes running from brisk walking.

    Various external and internal forces govern our ability to run. While gravitational forces pull us towards the ground, our muscles give us the momentum to move forward. On the other hand, the air causes resistance and lowers our speed.

    We all remember Isaac Newton’s Third Law Of Motion — for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When our feet hit the ground, exerting a downwards pressure, our body produces an equal amount of push upwards. Excessive rebound force may cause injuries like shin splints and a runner’s knee. Hence, it becomes crucial that we protect our knees before running.

    Again, when we run, we sweat. Sweating more than usual can use up our mineral reserves, leading to dehydration and electrolyte loss. To replenish our energy levels, we must consume plenty of water shortly after running and always keep a healthy snack handy for a quick post-activity munch.

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    Which Is Better – Jogging, Walking Or Running On The Spot?

    When you begin something, it’s natural to have questions about it. When beginners start running to lose weight, it’s normal to compare jogging and walking with running. Frequently asked questions include “Is running or jogging better for losing weight?” or “Does walking or running burn more fat?”

    The answer is simple, and honestly, running has more benefits. Walking, jogging, and on-spot running, all of them result in weight loss and fat burn and prevent Type 2 Diabetes. However, based on the duration and the intensity, on-spot running will accelerate your weight loss journey. Alternatively, you may also keep aside 30 minutes at least three days a week to run on a treadmill and achieve your fitness regimen’s best results.

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    What Are The Benefits Of Running?

    For healthy weight loss, we must burn more calories than we consume. Running for fat loss is one of the best physical activities because it puts multiple muscles to work, resulting in more calorie burn per minute than any other exercise.

    Running is an effective cardio workout that you can perform without investing in expensive exercise machines. All you need to do is head to safe outdoors, visit the closest park or playground for a refreshing run. If you have a treadmill, running on it is an effective way to work out at home.

    Does Running Help Reduce Weight & Burn Fat?

    Running burns belly fat faster and helps you shed pounds quicker than walking. Our body fat becomes the primary fuel source that provides energy while running. Running reduces weight and burns body fat, especially when we run at a pace that helps our body maintain a total conversion. While there is no best-running speed to burn fat or a particular fat burn running speed, it would help if you tried first to understand how much running is good to lose weight.

    There are two categories of running for weight loss – moderate and high-intensity running. Moderate-intensity running is effective for weight loss, as the body gradually switches from carbs to fats. Though fats are not an immediate source of fuel, they are sustainable.

    Fat burn is steadier and lasts longer to power your run though it takes a comparatively longer time to burn the calories. So, it’s advisable to run at least 30 minutes or more to boost your weight-loss results.

    On the other hand, high-intensity running pushes the heart rate up, and you gradually reach the anaerobic zone. During such runs, the fat burn ratio is inferior as the body turns to its carbohydrate reserves for quick fuel. However, if the routine is intense, the calorie burn is more significant.

    Remember, it is best to train under the supervision of a certified fitness professional and consult a doctor before starting any exercise to determine the suitable parameters and avoid any injuries and health complications.

    Does Running Decrease Fat Only While The Body Is In Action?

    No, your body will continue to burn fat even after two to three hours of running. The calorie burn continues even after the run because of the hard muscle work.

    Hence, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist to guide you on your pre and post-run meals to power your run and enjoy optimal weight loss results.

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    Best Daily Running Routine To Follow For Weight Loss & Fat Burn

    Here is one of the best daily running routines to burn fat!

    • If you are running to shed flab, we recommend running early in the morning.
    • Always start your run under the supervision of a physical trainer to avoid any muscle-skeletal injuries.
    • Start with a five-minute warm-up. Then, walk for about a minute and increase the intensity gradually by jogging for another minute.
    • For the first two weeks go for a 15-minute run interspersed with short breaks.
    • Try moderate-intensity running for 20 to 25 minutes in the third and fourth week.
    • From the fifth week, try completing an entire 30-minute run before cooling your heels.
    • A daily run may leave your body exhausted. Instead, you can try to run three days a week.
    • You can make your sprint more interesting by putting on your headphones and playing your favourite music.
    • Go ahead and add colourful athleisure outfits and a pair of comfortable running shoes to your wardrobe.
    • Always carry your safety gear, water bottle, and healthy snacks.

    Must Read: What Is The Best Time To Exercise?

    Now you know all about running, go ahead and hit the tracks to kick-start your weight loss journey.

    If you are looking for a customised and comprehensive fitness program along with a sustainable nutritional plan from top-notch weight-loss experts, visit your nearest Clinic and get ready to become healthier than ever before! Join the fitness revolution today!

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    About The Author

    Mrinal Pandit

    Mrinal Pandit

    Mrinal Pandit is a registered dietician, diabetic educator & counsellor. She has done her bachelor's from the University of Kolhapur in Food Technology Management. Post her bachelor's; she did her Masters in Health Sciences (Dietetics) from the reputed University of Pune. Mrinal believes that the... Read More

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