Top Other Hair Concern Question Answer

Other Hair Concern

Asked by Rina Mishra on 26/10/2023 15:39 PM

Extreme dryness of hair is usually caused by using harsh products which can strip the hair strands of its moisture and oil. Shampoos are normally needed to wash away oil and debris from our scalp where it is secreted by the sebaceous (oil) glands. However, harsh shampoos can also remove the protective moisture and oil layer on the hair strands and ends, along with damaging the cuticles of hair strands. Combing through this dry hair can cause frizz. All these can lead to breakage of hair and hair strands becoming thin and weak. Consult a dermatologist to get your scalp and hair checked. Start using a mild shampoo, preferably sulphate-free at least twice a week and avoid putting undue strain on hair ends. Avoid any chemicals like hair spray, bleach etc. Use a conditioner post shampoo to restore moisture and protection to the dry strands. Comb hair twice daily with a wide-toothed comb and avoid touching your hair frequently. Avoid parlour procedures like smoothening or hair colouring. A good haircare regimen can help improve the quality of your hair and prevent breakage.

Answered on 26/10/2023 15:39 PM

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Dr. Midhuna P V
Dr. Midhuna P V

MBBS, MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy

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