Sunburn Treatment

What’s Sunburn And How To Treat It Effectively?

Residing in a tropical hot and dry climate has its advantages in terms of outdoor avenues all year round. But sometimes the good can turn ugly if you don’t wear enough sunscreen and protect your skin from displeasing sunburn. Sun bathing is fun and you certainly need your daily dose...

keratosis pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris: Causes, Types, Treatments and Tips

Keratosis pilaris is commonly known as ‘chicken skin’ and affects people belonging to all age groups. The term ‘chicken skin’ is used to describe this skin condition because it makes the skin look like that of a featherless chicken. This article will talk about various aspects related to keratosis pilaris and...

C-Section Scars

How To Treat C-Section Scars Effectively?

The joy of motherhood is unparalleled and with great pain comes big scars too! C-section deliveries have become very popular in recent times but the scars it leaves behind can be bothersome for many. C-section scars can ruin your overall look, however, there are plenty of options available to help...

hard pimple

How To Get Rid Of Hard Pimples?

Having acne or pimples is quite common and almost everyone goes through some painful pimple outbreak phases at least once in their life. There are different types of pimples which can affect your skin and you need to be well-aware of them so that you can get the right treatment...

how to get rid of blind pimples

How To Get Rid Of Blind Pimples Under The Skin?

There is nothing more annoying and tiresome than a pimple popping up at the most random moment. But what if a pimple doesn’t surface and just hides underneath the skin? Those are called blind pimples. These are not noticeable but leave blemishes and can be quite painful! What Is A...

pimple during pregnancy

Is Acne Treatment Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is probably the best time for a woman but it may not be as beautiful for the skin and body that undergoes extreme changes. With hormonal surge comes the innate hormonal acne outbreak especially due to the increase in androgens. But fret not, as there are certain ways you...

isotretinoin for acne

Is Isotretinoin Effective For Acne?

The problem of acne begins during puberty and causes not just painful outgrowths but unsightly appearances on skin too. Many people continue to suffer from acne beyond their teenage years, with some men and women experiencing breakouts even in their 40s. As time progresses, the problem of acne can intensify...

acne keloidalis nuchae

What Is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae And How To Treat It?

Acne keloidalis nuchae(AKN) is often confused with acne vulgaris because of the presence of the word ‘acne’ in its name. This skin condition is not related to your ‘run of the mill’ pimples and is often a major concern for people affected by it. This is because of the extensive...

minocycline for acne

Minocycline For Acne – Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

Has your dermatologist prescribed minocycline for acne? Here are the uses, benefits, side effects, and precautions you must know before using this antibiotic. What Is Minocycline? Minocycline is a broad-spectrum tetracycline antibiotic used as a prescription drug for treating many ailments. Approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration...