High Intensity Focused Ultrasound(HIFU)

HIFU Treatment: Cost, Benefits And Results

As we age, our skin starts to sag and we see visible fine lines and wrinkles quite prominently on the skin. Now, though we cannot control our age, we sure can control its effects. With HIFU being the most sought-after treatment, it becomes easier to get a supple and youthful...

Dry Skin And Acne

How To Treat Dry Skin With Acne?

Acne is the most common skin problem faced by almost 85% of people in their lifetime. Though it is more prominent in teenagers and in people with oily skin, but dry skin acne is also an equally pressing concern. Pimples on dry skin is more prominent in adults; though even...

laser hair removal cost in pune

Best Laser Hair Removal In Pune: Cost, Benefits & Results

Every individual experiences unwanted hair growth on different parts of their body. Removing unwanted hair has become a part and parcel of our personal hygiene routine. If you stay in Pune and are looking for a permanent unwanted hair removal treatment, then your search ends with laser hair removal! Unwanted...

hirsutism treatment

What’s The Best Treatment For Hirsutism?

Hirsutism is a medical condition that is mostly related to male pattern hair growth in women. From hormonal changes to genes, there could be different hirsutism causes and triggers. Since conditions like Hypertrichosis and Hirsutism can affect a patient psychologically, it is recommended to get a dedicated treatment. In order...

black neck

Dark Neck: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cost and Tips to Avoid

Darkening of skin is a common occurrence with thick, itchy and velvety skin around the neck,which have several causes. This black colored skin around neck can be treated with Laser, Chemical Peel, Microdermabrasion, medications and also by maintaining proper hygiene. Symptoms Of Dark Neck Skin Darkening: It may not be...

remove dark spots on face

Dark Spots On Face: Causes, Types, Treatments and Tips

The appearance of black blotches or discoloured skin on the face is a normal concern. This occurs as a result of an increase in melanin leading to dark pigmentation. Thankfully, this is a treatable condition. In this post, we would be discussing what dark spots are, their causes, types, and...

why you shouldn’t pop a pimple

Should You Pop A Pimple?

The uncontrollable desire to pop a pimple lies within all of us. Nobody wants to walk around with a huge zit sitting in the middle of their face. But, before you squeeze the life out of that hideous pimple, stop and use your better judgement. We have been told a...

Benzoyl Peroxide for acne

How To Treat Acne With Benzoyl Peroxide?

Benzoyl peroxide is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance, known to treat mild to moderate acne when it is applied topically over the skin. It decomposes to release oxygen which kills acne producing bacteria. However, in case of treatment of severe acne, it can be used with chemical peels, oral antibiotics...


How Do You Treat PCOS Acne?

Acne is a fairly common occurrence as we go through puberty. The hormonal changes that occur in the body during this stage of life are considered the prime culprits of causing the acne. But, what if similar hormonal changes continue beyond puberty and make your acne persistent and worse? Polycystic...