Does Riding An Exercise Cycle Help Reduce Belly Fat?

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    Do you want to exercise to lose belly fat fast? Indoor cycling is an excellent endurance exercise to lose harmful visceral fat deposited in the abdominal cavity. It will help you prevent lifestyle diseases while gaining lean muscle and a toned body. Using a stationary cycle is a safe indoor cardio workout option for people of all ages as it has a low impact on joints while it boosts your overall health. Read on to know more benefits it offers!

    What Is Belly Fat?

    Belly fat refers to excess fat deposits in the abdomen that results in increased waist size. It may be subcutaneous and visceral. The subcutaneous fat lies under a person’s skin while visceral fat accumulates around your organs.
    While both types of fat are harmful, visceral fat is more difficult to lose and increases the risk of severe health problems such as heart diseases, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cancer.

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    Can Using An Exercise Cycle Help You Lose Belly Fat?

    Yes, using the exercise cycle can help you reduce belly fat faster than several other cardio workouts. It can help you burn many calories depending on your age, genetics, body size, the speed and inclination at which you cycle, and the duration of your workout each week.

    How Does Using An Exercise Cycle Help In Losing Belly Fat?

    Using an exercise cycle raises the heart rate and helps in burning a significant amount of calories quickly. With this, you will lose your overall body fat, which also includes belly fat. It also improves the basal metabolic rate that makes it easier to maintain your weight loss. When you push down or pull up the pedal, it tones your core muscles and helps you get a sculpted torso.

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    Top Health Benefits Of Riding An Exercise Cycle

    Here are the top benefits of using an indoor cycling machine for losing weight and burning fat:

    • Boosts fitness levels

      Cycling is the best way to get your heart pumping, improve blood flow, increase the oxygen supply throughout the body, and boost your fitness levels.

    • Strengthens muscles

      Pedalling action while working out on a stationary cycle helps strengthen your legs, core, back and glute muscles.

    • Prevents joint damage

      Cycling for losing belly fat is a low-impact workout that does not cause any skeletal injury, and you can do it irrespective of the outside weather.

    • Improves health

      Cycling is an excellent workout to improve your overall health, including the functioning of your cardiovascular, immune, respiratory system and brain. It also helps regulate blood pressure, improves mood, and lowers stress levels.

    • Tones your body

      Cycling exercise combined with a low-calorie diet helps eliminate stubborn body fat and aids weight loss, making it one of the best exercises to lose belly fat fast.

    • Offers convenience

      One can safely train indoors within controlled temperatures without exposure to harmful sun rays, dust, pollution, heat, rain or other undesirable outdoor factors.

    Must Read: Is Cycling Good To Lose Weight And Burn Fat?

    How To Use Exercise Cycle For Weight Loss?

    Here are some tips to safely and correctly use the exercise cycle for weight loss:

    • Have a healthy snack or eat fruit 30 minutes before your start cycling.
    • Maintain the correct posture and paddle at a comfortable pace as you start.
    • Increase resistance and inclination gradually.
    • Try to change the workout regimen regularly and vary the inclination, resistance and intensity to burn maximum calories.
    • Don’t overexert to optimise benefits. Take a break to recover from your muscle aches.
    • Try to replenish your body with carbohydrates and water within an hour after the workout.
    • Speak to your doctor for concerns about heart health or blood pressure and train under the supervision of a certified trainer to ensure you safely enjoy the best weight loss results.

    Using a stationary cycle regularly will improve your health and help you lose stubborn belly fat. Visit your nearest Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic to get a customised and comprehensive program from a weight loss expert that combines a safe workout with dietary advice to achieve the best results.
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    About The Author

    Mrinal Pandit

    Mrinal Pandit

    Mrinal Pandit is a registered dietician, diabetic educator & counsellor. She has done her bachelor's from the University of Kolhapur in Food Technology Management. Post her bachelor's; she did her Masters in Health Sciences (Dietetics) from the reputed University of Pune. Mrinal believes that the... Read More