
Laser Hair Removal: Procedure, Benefits, Side Effects, Results And FAQs


  • • Laser hair removal is a dermatologist-approved and technologically-advanced method suitable for all skin tones and hair types.
  • • It is a painless and effective hair removal method for men and women above 18 with no major side effects.
  • • It is safe for all body areas, including sensitive areas like the face and private parts.
  • • LHR can permanently reduce hair growth and density when performed by dermatologists using the latest technology.
  • • It is a cost-effective solution as it ensures the best results in limited sessions with minimal maintenance.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a scientifically-proven method to minimise unwanted hair from different body areas painlessly and permanently by using a focused beam of light (laser) precisely. Experienced dermatologists use revolutionary USFDA-approved laser equipment to perform this advanced aesthetic treatment and ensure the safety and comfort of all clients, each having different skin colour and hair type.

Target Areas For Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is suitable to minimise unwanted hair growth in all body areas, including the following:

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal works on selective photothermolysis. During the procedure, a dermatologist customises the laser parameters to target the melanin in the hair precisely based on skin colour, cause, age, sex, target area and hair type. [1]

The light energy emitted from the laser device converts into heat energy and destroys the stem cells in unwanted hair follicles, minimising recurrence and ingrowth.

laser hair removal

LHR targets the hair follicles in the anagen or growth stage, so you may need approximately 6-8 sessions to achieve optimal satisfaction. Your dermatologist may also advise minimal follow-up visits to ensure long-lasting results.
Established clinics have expert dermatologists and state-of-the-art USFDA-approved laser technology to offer customised laser hair removal treatment and ensure a pain-free experience for their clients. It helps them permanently reduce hair growth and density in minimal sessions across all body areas with zero downtime and minimal risk of burns and scars.

Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal

Here is a list of the numerous benefits laser hair removal offers compared to other temporary methods:

  • Painless procedure: Laser hair removal is a pain-free method to minimise even dark and thick body hair across all body areas, including the face and private parts. Many compare the mild heating sensation while undergoing LHR treatment at premier clinics using the latest USFDA-approved technology with a hot stone massage.
  • Permanent results: Laser hair removal can help you permanently reduce unwanted body hair growth and density, unlike other obsolete methods that give you temporary results.
  • Cost-effective solution: The scientifically-proven technique gives you relatively long-lasting results within limited sessions and is cost-effective, while temporary methods involve frequent repetitions and lifelong expenditure.
  • No side effects: LHR does not cause pain, burns, scars, hyperpigmentation, ingrowth, rashes or infections, unlike obsolete methods, if you choose a reputed clinic that has advanced USFDA-approved technology available in-house. You may have transient redness that subsides within an hour.
  • Safe for all body areas: Dermatologists recommend laser treatment as the safest method for hair removal from all body areas like legs, arms, chest, back and abdomen, including sensitive areas like the face, underarms and private parts.
  • Effective for all skin and hair types: Premier clinics use sophisticated USFDA-approved laser devices to offer customised solutions for effective hair removal suitable for all skin tones and hair types.
  • Quick procedure: Top-notch laser devices can simultaneously target several hair follicles and effectively treat large body areas like the back, legs and arms in minimal time. Also, this lunchtime procedure has no downtime!
  • Silky soft skin: Trained dermatologists use sophisticated laser technology to target unwanted hair precisely, ensuring the surrounding skin remains safe and smooth.
  • Eliminates ingrowth: Since laser hair removal destroys the stem cells of hair in the target area, it automatically eradicates the risk of ingrowth.
  • Time-saving option: Laser hair removal at advanced clinics is a time-bound treatment that starts after a dermatologist pre-defines the number of sessions you need for the best results. You may need to visit the laser clinic for minimal follow-up, unlike temporary methods that demand infinite repetitions and a life-long investment of time.

Who Can Opt For Laser Hair Removal?

Anyone aged 18 or more looking for a permanent reduction of unwanted body hair can opt for laser hair removal. [2]

Laser hair removal is an effective hair removal method, especially for those having the following concerns:

  1. Hypertrichosis affects men and women and causes excess hair growth in any body area.
  2. Hirsutism results in women having thick, coarse, male-patterned hair growth.
  3. Genetic propensity leads to excess, dark and thick body hair.
  4. Side effects of certain medications like oral contraceptives and anabolic steroids cause unwanted hair growth.
  5. Hormonal disorders like PCOS or fluctuations due to tumours or other health conditions increase the growth and thickness of body hair.


Laser hair removal gives optimal results for people with thick, dark hair and light skin. [3] Those with dark skin and light-coloured or grey hair may not get the best results. However, it is suitable for most Indian skin tones and hair types.

Who Should Avoid Laser Hair Removal?

You should avoid opting for laser hair removal if you fall into any of these categories:

  • You are below 18 and are undergoing puberty-related hormonal changes
  • You are pregnant or an early lactating woman
  • You are using prescription medications for acne
  • You have genital herpes, raised scars, have/had skin cancer, and are prone to cold sores

Are There Any Risks Or Side Effects?

There are no major side effects or risks of laser hair removal treatment if you are undergoing the procedure under the supervision of qualified medical professionals adept at using the updated USFDA-approved laser technology.

However, you may experience a mild heating sensation during the procedure.

Post-session, you may have mild discomfort, redness, swelling or skin irritation in the treated area, which will subside within an hour after adequate post-care.

You must consult your doctor immediately if the discomfort persists or worsens. [4]

It is crucial to choose a trusted clinic with experienced doctors and new-age technology for your laser hair removal procedure to avoid complications and achieve the best results!

How To Prepare For Laser Hair Removal?

Before undergoing laser hair removal treatment, you should seek a private consultation with a qualified dermatologist.

Doctors customise the treatment plan with a holistic approach based on unique factors, including the cause, target area, skin tone, hair type, age, sex and hormonal status. Experienced dermatologists assess the family and medical history and suggest blood tests to check for hormonal imbalance.

They define the number of sessions you need for the best results based on their medical evaluation. It will help you make an informed decision based on the expected results and the cost involved.

Once you decide to go ahead with laser hair removal treatment, your dermatologist will share the following guidelines to prepare your skin for it:

  • Avoid applying skin-care products like salicylic acid, retinol, benzoyl peroxide and hydroxy acids three days before the treatment.
  • Refrain from direct sun exposure and use of UV tanning beds for two weeks before your treatment session.
  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day without fail.
  • Follow the doctor’s instructions while using any prescription medicines. Inform your dermatologist immediately in case of any change of medication.
  • Avoid undergoing other advanced aesthetic treatments at least 14 days before your laser hair removal treatment, including:
      1. Chemical peels
      2. Fillers
      3. Microdermabrasion
      4. Botox
      5. Laser toning
  • Clean your skin thoroughly. Do not apply any oils, moisturisers, creams or fragrances before the procedure.
  • Avoid waxing, tweezing and epilating for two weeks before the treatment and between each laser hair removal session.
  • You can shave the target area 24 hours before your LHR session.

What To Expect During Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

If you enrol for laser hair removal treatment at a trusted skin clinic, here are the standard steps you may expect:

  1. Step 1: Trained therapists will shave the unwanted hair after cleaning the target area
  2. Step 2: They will mark grids for the systematic elimination of body hair
  3. Step 3: Next, they will apply a cooling gel to ensure your comfort
  4. Step 4: They will request you to wear special eye gear throughout the session to prevent any injury due to exposure to laser rays
  5. Step 5: Your dermatologist will perform a patch test to check for suitable laser parameters
  6. Step 6: Your doctor will customise the laser fluency and complete the painless laser hair removal session that may last up to an hour based on the size of the target area
  7. Step 7: Since there is no downtime, you can schedule your next visit and resume your routine after receiving post-care

What Does The Post-care For Laser Hair Removal Treatment Include?

Here are some post-care dos and don’ts your dermatologist may advise you to follow after undergoing LHR treatment:

  • After your LHR session, you can apply a cool compress to alleviate transient redness or swelling.
  • Since your skin becomes photosensitive after laser treatment, you should strictly avoid direct sun exposure and wear protective clothing while stepping out of the house.
  • Dermatologists recommend using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 regularly to prevent skin damage from UV radiation. Reapply sunscreen every three hours, even while staying indoors.
  • Use a non-comedogenic moisturiser suitable for your skin type to boost its protective barrier, and follow the skin-care routine recommended by your dermatologist.
  • Your doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory medicine to manage any pain or discomfort.
  • Avoid using makeup or any skin-care product, scrubs, lotions, bleach, fragrances or deodorants in the treated area for the next few days.
  • Do not wax or use epilators between sessions. You can shave instead.
  • Your doctor may advise checking your hormonal health regularly for permanent hair growth reduction. [5]
  • Please do not scratch the treated area.
  • Seek immediate medical help if the discomfort persists or worsens or if you notice any blistering or crusting.
  • You should complete your follow-up sessions if advised by your dermatologist for the best results.

Laser hair removal is your safest choice to permanently minimise unwanted body hair growth. Remember to choose a credible skin clinic to rule out side effects and attain the best results!

To get expert advice from Oliva Skin And Hair Clinic, Book Your Appointment now or call us at 📞82978 82978. We look forward to offering you our world-class laser hair removal services soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are The Results Of Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
    Laser hair removal results in a permanent reduction of unwanted hair growth and density if you complete the number of sessions advised by your dermatologist. Experienced doctors may recommend minimal follow-up visits if necessary to achieve the best results. However, you need to maintain your hormonal balance to enjoy long-lasting satisfaction.
  2. What Is The Cost Of Laser Hair Removal Treatment?
    The average cost of laser hair removal treatment can range between INR 2,750 and INR 50,000 per session and varies for every individual based on unique factors like the size of the target area, the growth and density of the hair, skin tone, age, sex, the underlying cause of excessive hair growth, the technology used, the number of sessions needed, the qualification of the professional, and the location and reputation of the clinic.
  3. Is There Any Downtime?
    There is no downtime for laser hair removal if a trained dermatologist uses the latest USFDA-certified technology. You can get back to your routine right after the session.
  4. Does Hair Grow Back Thicker After Laser Hair Removal?
    As your laser hair removal sessions advance, you will notice a significant decrease in hair thickness and growth. You may achieve permanent reduction at the end of the treatment. Make sure you choose a reputed clinic with advanced laser technology and qualified dermatologists to achieve the best results.
  5. Is It Safe To Do Laser Hair Removal At Home?
    Laser hair removal at home, salons or small clinics involves a high risk of burns, hyperpigmentation, blisters, scars, eye injury and skin infections.
  6. Can Laser Hair Removal Treatment Make Hair Growth Worse?
    Laser hair removal minimises hair growth and density as the sessions advance. By the end of the treatment, you may expect a permanent reduction of body hair in the treated area.
  7. Can I Shave In Between Laser Hair Removal Sessions?
    You can shave between laser hair removal sessions as it does not disturb the hair roots as per the doctor’s advice.
  8. Does Laser Hair Removal Darken Skin?
    You need not worry about skin darkening if an experienced doctor uses superior USFDA-approved laser technology to perform your customised laser hair removal treatment. However, you must diligently follow the pre- and post-care advice to minimise the risk of skin discolouration.
  9. Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?
    No, it is a painless procedure if an experienced dermatologist uses the latest laser technology.
  10. Is Laser Hair Removal Cancerous?No, laser hair removal does not lead to cancer.

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