I recently got pimples on my cheeks. I have my farewell next week, and I do not want any acne scars on face. Is there a way to prevent acne scars?

It is difficult to know with the first bout of active acne about the extent of scarring. Please visit a dermatologist to get your skin checked and give detailed history of previous acne or acne scars if any. Acne, even small whitehead like acne can leave deep scars, and such scars are permanent and do not fade without treatment. However, if treated adequately and on time, acne scars can be prevented.

The first requirement for healing of acne without marks and scars is an excellent skincare regimen of cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen tailored to your skin, preferably of non-comedogenic products. Avoid scratching or plucking your acne, and intake good amount of water and fresh fruits and vegetables, as processed and sugar containing foods can increase inflammation and scarring. In case you want to put on makeup for any occasion, choose light, water based, breathable products and remove makeup at the end of the day.

Your dermatologist can give you oral or topical antibiotics and retinoids to help early healing of acne with minimum complications. Chemical peel like salicylic acid peel or azelaic acid peel can also help resolve active acne as well as treat the existing marks and scars. Such treatments should be undertaken only under medical supervision. Avoid using OTC products and oils to self-treat your acne as such steps can further damage your skin barrier and cause more scarring and pigmentation.

Asked by Shweta on 14/10/2023 14:58 PM

Answered on 18/10/2023 12:16 PM

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Dr. Akshitha Shetty
Dr. Akshitha Shetty

MBBS, MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy

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