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Keratin Hair Treatment Cost In India: Benefits & Side Effects

Keratin hair treatment

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    Keratin hair treatment has become a popular option for those looking to manage their hair easily. It is a sought-after treatment for smooth and frizz-free hair. If you are considering keratin treatment for your hair, then here is all the information you need before you opt for it. Keep reading to learn about the process of keratin hair treatment, its benefits, side effects, the cost of keratin treatment and whether trying keratin treatment at home is a good idea.

    What Is Keratin?

    Keratin is a protein that our body naturally produces and helps build and strengthen our skin, nails and hair. It enhances hair elasticity by working as a protective shield around the hair shaft. Keratin protein also protects the cuticle, which is the outer layer of the hair and the inner core part of hair, known as the cortex.

    What Is Keratin Hair Treatment?

    Keratin hair treatment or keratin smoothing treatment or keratin straightening treatment has gained popularity to help people achieve silky smooth hair for a relatively longer period compared to traditional hair styling solutions like blow drying. This treatment involves the application of keratin-rich products on the hair and activating the keratin using heat to reduce frizz and get a smooth texture of hair from the roots to the ends. The results from this treatment can last for a couple of months. It is important that you choose a reputed salon with hair experts who understand the effect different ingredients on your hair.

    Keratin Hair Treatment Process

    The keratin hair treatment process involves a series of steps:

    • Preparation: As the first step of the treatment, the salon experts wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove any oil, styling products, and other impurities on the scalp. This step ensures effective penetration of keratin into the hair.
    • Drying: Then, they dry your hair.
    • Application Of Keratin Solution: In this step, the hair expert will meticulously apply the keratin solution to the hair. They divide the hair into small sections and coat all the hair strands with the solution.
    • Processing Time: They will then leave the solution on for 90 minutes for the hair to absorb it.
    • Cooling And Rinse: As the final step, they rinse hair with just water. (They do not use any shampoo.)
    • Final Styling: They let your hair dry naturally and then style it as per your preferences.

    Benefits Of Keratin Treatment

    While the range and extent of benefits from keratin treatment depend on the individual’s hair type and the quality and type of products used for the treatment, keratin for hair, in general, offers the following benefits:

    • Smooth, Frizz-free Hair:

    Keratin offers natural smoothness and shine to hair and minimises frizz. It makes the hair look glossy and healthy. It also temporarily bonds the hair together, reducing the visibility of split ends.

    • Strengthens Hair:

    Keratin also improves the strength of the hair, improving elasticity.

    • Manageability:

    It reduces tangles making it easy to style and comb. For long and thick hair, you will notice a striking difference before and after the treatment.

    • Long-Lasting results:

    The treatment can last up to several months with recommended after care.

    • Convenient:

    Though it is advisable to go to a salon for keratin treatment, you can also do it at home.

    Side Effects Of Keratin Treatment

    While there are several benefits of keratin straightening treatment, it also comes with certain side effects. They include:

    • Contains Cancer-causing Agent Formaldehyde:

    Formaldehyde is a chemical that helps in the hair straightening process. It is also a carcinogen and has the potential to cause cancer. (More on this below)

    • Can Cause Eye Irritation:

    Individuals who have undergone this treatment have reported eye irritation and sensitivity after undergoing keratin treatment.

    • Headaches:

    Some may also experience mild to moderate headaches with the use of keratin.

    • Dizziness:

    Feeling dizzy is another common side effect reported by people after undergoing keratin treatment.

    • Sore Throat:

    Keratin may trigger irritation in the throat as well.

    • Coughing:

    The smell of the keratin may trigger coughing.

    • Wheezing:

    Some individuals have reported sudden and uncontrolled wheezing with the application of keratin.

    • Chest pain:

    Some may experience mild chest pain.

    • Vomiting:

    The strong smell of keratin treatment may trigger vomiting or nausea.

    • Rash:

    Individuals undergoing keratin treatment can develop allergic rashes.

    Keratin Treatments And Formaldehyde

    Keratin products contain a cancer-causing agent called formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a key ingredient that makes keratin treatment effective in hair straightening. The problem with formaldehyde and keratin products is that the amount of formaldehyde in the product is much higher compared to the quantities mentioned in the ingredient list. If you expose yourself to formaldehyde constantly, it can have adverse impacts on the body.

    Formaldehyde-Free Options?

    Owing to the fact that formaldehyde has a bad reputation, several brands launched keratin products with formaldehyde-free labels. It is important to note that keratin treatments are as effective due to the presence of formaldehyde. Therefore, salons promoting formaldehyde-free keratin treatments are most likely only using them as a marketing tactic. We recommend that you study the salon and the products they use thoroughly before opting for formaldehyde-free keratin treatment.

    How Much Does A Keratin Hair Treatment Cost In India?

    Typically, the cost of keratin hair treatment in India ranges between Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 8,000. There are various factors that can impact the treatment cost, which we discuss in detail in the next section.

    Factors Affecting The Cost Of Keratin Hair Treatment :

    Here are some of the top reasons that can influence the cost of keratin hair treatment:

    1. Salon Reputation: The cost of the treatment varies depending on the reputation of the salon.
    2. Salon Location: High-end salons in cities or at premium locations may charge hefty amounts for the treatment compared to salons in smaller towns.
    3. Branded or Non-Branded Products: Premium or imported keratin brands cost more than local or lesser-known brands.
    4. Length And Thickness Of Hair: For individuals with long and thick hair, the cost of the treatment will be higher.
    5. Stylist’s Expertise: Experienced stylists are more skilled and charge much more than younger professionals.
    6. Additional Services In The Package: If keratin treatment package includes additional styling services included, the cost of the treatment will go up.
    7. Maintenance Expenses: Certain salons include maintenance and follow up sessions, thus charging more.


    Keratin treatment can visibly change the texture and appearance of your hair. However, you will be exposing your hair and scalp to chemical agents, and it is best to explore all the options. Find out if the treatment suits your hair type and proceed accordingly. Also, make sure that you choose the right hair experts and follow the necessary aftercare.


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    About The Author

    Kushneet Kukreja

    Kushneet Kukreja

    A postgraduate in Biotechnology from Kingston University and an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness & Nutrition, Kushneet Kukreja is a passionate writer who works in close association with the dermatologists at our head office to generate valuable and scientifically accurate content for our blog.

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